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Just another day in the life of a public servant

Sunday, May 28, 2006

People who invent spyware are the devil's spawn

And I stand by that statement.

My computer runs as slow as my daughter on a Sunday morning. Sluggish and moody is a description that comes to mind.

I keep updating my virus definitions and removing all threats detected. I've removed Ezula I don't know how many times, but I know that I've still got spyware on my computer and it's pissing me off.

Finally, I had a brilliant idea that didn't involve wiping my hard drive clean and starting over.

I went to the Symantec website and navigated over to the spyware removal tool page,, and started running each removal tool in alphabetical order. Although I started from Z and worked my way up to the beginning, just to be different (I'm one of those people who read magazines from the back to front. I'm sure that means something). And, not surprisingly, several of the tools found spyware and removed it for me.

I swear, if I ever run across a punk who admits to designing and launching spyware, I'm going to hang him/her up by their genitals or toes (if it's a girl) in the public square, smeared with honey and dog food, and leave them there with a large sign proclaiming that they are the scum of the earth.

And I won't cut them down when they cry like a little girl.

The Angel of Death or What the Hell????

Yet another death had occurred. This is the third person in about 5 months who has died, and I'm starting to think that the angel of death is stalking me.

The death to which I refer is a friend who suddenly developed melanoma and died in about a 7 week period. I wasn't able to say goodbye in person, but I had spoken with her about 3 weeks before she became sick, so I don't have that feeling of overwhelming guilt and regret that I had when another friend died last December. Thank goodness.

What was weird is that I had a dream the day after she died that I went to the funeral and spoke to her while she was dead. As freaky as the dream was, it was also comforting, because I was upset that I couldn't speak to her, and the dream somehow made me feel that I was able to say goodbye like I wanted.

Now the what-the-hell part that I mentioned in the title refers to what happened when I went to the funeral home. I visited with the family, and when I left I ran into her husband. He hugged me goodbye, and while he was hugging me, (which was odd in itself, because we aren't really friends) he ran his hand down my back and fully over my ass. And it wasn't an accidental brush against my hip. It was over the full part. I mean, shit! Who does that kind of thing when their dead wife is in the next room? Eeyuugh.
Please, someone with disposable income. Give me a school grant so I can go to law school!