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Just another day in the life of a public servant

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Did I mention I finally got my diploma?

After 3 years, $12,000, and 3510 miles added to the speedometer on my car (acrued from driving back and forth to Columbus for classes), I've finally finished my Master degree. I completed the thesis portion on it last August, but because I was tardy getting my paper in, it didn't get graded until Fall semester. So I didn't graduate until December. Long story short, I finally got the diploma a few weeks ago. I immediately took it up to Michaels and had it framed, where it now sits proudly and expensively on the wall in my office. Happy day.

On the home front, I get letters weekly from the Army child. She says she doesn't like the Army, but she's sticking with it. She likes some of the aspects, such as obstacle courses and running around in the woods, but not the marching and the hard physical stuff. She sounds lonely. But the interesting thing is, I hear more from her now then when she was living in Florida with no constrainsts to communication. She graduates from Basic in about 3 weeks, then she'll be in individual training in Alabama, which is a lot closer to home than Missouri. That makes me glad.


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Please, someone with disposable income. Give me a school grant so I can go to law school!