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Just another day in the life of a public servant

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Off to training I go

Tomorrow I have to report for the my basic training. I jokingly call it "Officer boot camp", and I'll be there for 8 weeks. And to make it more stresful, Friday is make it or break it day. In other words, if I don't qualify with my Glock, they let me go. As in good bye, no more job, don't let the door hit you on the way out. A little scary. My class went to pre-basic last week for 3 days for gun training, and one day I shot okay, the next day I sucked, and the last day I was scoring pretty high. Provided I don't panic and start doing stupid stuff, I'll be fine. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Update on the spyware issue: Spyware keeps insinuating itself on my hard drive, requiring me to run removal tools constantly. Sneaky little shits.

The picture above is not me, but after 8 weeks of thrice weekly mandatory workouts, I might look like that. Maybe.


  • At 4:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If you look anything like that darlin', you're a hottie!


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