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Just another day in the life of a public servant

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Death and existentialism

I'm feeling a lot less despondent. My uncle did die, and it was sad. Made for a long week. But when I went to the funeral, I was listening to the sermon, and I got to thinking about the differences between religions, and what I would like said at my funeral should I shuffle my mortal coil.

I hope people get up at the front and say "She was a good person (I hope I am), and she loved her family. She'll be missed". What else is there to say? You're born, you exist on this plane for a while, you try to better yourself, and be a good person, help others, you create relationships, love others and be loved, attempt to achieve self-transcendence and self actualization, then you slip out of your body and...and I don't know after that. Maybe existence is as the Hindus believe, and you spend each life striving to live a good life in the hope and expectation that if you live the best you can, you'll move up in your next life to a better existence. I kind of like that idea.

But on the other hand, maybe existence is all about having really nice shoes. In which case, I need to go shopping.


  • At 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You and your shoes! Such a shoe diva! You should start a shoe cult or something.


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