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Just another day in the life of a public servant

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Why, oh why aren't my clubs here yet?

I had this wish today. That I'd come home from work and my Ebay purchased golf clubs would be sitting on my doorstep. But they aren't. Rats.

Well, tomorrow is another day.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

If I only knew how to play golf

I recently went out with some of the guys at my office and played a little golf during lunch one day. It was so fun, that I decided to get a set of clubs for myself, in the hopes the guys would invite me to play with them.

Remember the wedding glasses I sold on Ebay? Well, I took some of that money that I made from selling them and bought a set of clubs. Sweet.

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Isn't that the coolest looking putter? I don't know if it's a good one, but it looks neat, and that what really matters, right?

Friday, March 17, 2006

A slice in my day

Since I've started with my new agency I've been busy. In fact, busy is minimizing how overwhelmed I've been. Hence the dearth of postings for the past 6 weeks, but I'm here now to rectify that situation.

Three of the new officers are off to basic training, and their people had to be reassigned, and guess who got most of their cases? Yep, me. So I've been running myself crazy, and getting nowhere.

But all that changed as of Tuesday. My new FTO looked over my caseload and was horrified at what was going on. The next morning there were several changes made, and all my co-workers came by offering help. They're a great bunch of people.

But on Wednesday I look out of my window (yes, for some reason the new person got an office with a window), and who do I see getting out of the car? The regional director. Who came in my office and asked, in a nutshell, what was going on with me. The end result of that conversation was a further reduction of my caseload and responsibilities, and an order to have all my office supplies on my desk by the next day. I tell you what, when the brass shows up, shit gets done. But what got me, was his concern about me. I was trying my best not to get anyone in trouble, so I was minimizing how bad the situation was, but he obviously knew something was up, and although I doubt I was the sole reason for his unexpected drop by, I'd bet the farm that I was on the agenda for the day.

See, as I've said before, whole new job, whole new agency, whole new attitude. In fact, this lovely Friday morning, I'm sitting here blogging instead of sitting at my desk because I've already worked 38 1/2 hours this week, and don't have to go in until noon. Fabulous.

Don't get me wrong, though. All state agencies have problems, mostly stemming from red tape and lack of funds. But this agency has a different philosophy than my last one, and so far, I'm happy. I even like the late hours, and I really like going out in the field. I'll just be glad when I get all my gear after basic training and I can do all of my own work instead of asking for help.

One of the other problems (one of many, believe me) that I'm trying to come to terms with, is the fact that I'm sure I won't be able to graduate in May with my class. I just don't think there is any way to get my paper done in time. Sigh.
Please, someone with disposable income. Give me a school grant so I can go to law school!