I can't decide whether to post something light and semi-amusing, or serious.
I suppose I'll start with posting-the lite version.
First: I'm convinced there is a conspiracy surrounding me. Specifically, people getting in my way.
I'm not known as a patient person, or at least so I'm told. That being said, I can't help but notice when I drive, it seems that people DELIBERATELY get in my way, just to impede my speedy progress. I'm sure it's deliberate, and I'll tell you why. I'll be happily cruising through a parking lot, when some dork will A: Stop in front of me while pondering the witty comment their passenger just uttered or B: Walk in front of my car, possibly stopping to check the time, their cell phone, the contents of a package, etc, then will look around in mild surprise when they notice a car behind them, as if the presence of a car in a parking lot were something unusual. Meanwhile, I'm surpressing screams of frustration and really scalding expletives, and doing so badly.
Another example is shopping. I'm walking quickly through the mall, spying a destination, and just as I step, say to the left to move around other slower people, these same people make a move to the left. So I'll feint to the right to move around these inconsiderate jerks, and they will purposely shift to the right. And very often right in the middle of the aisle, which prevents ANYONE, particularly me, from getting around them. Then, just like in the parking lot, they'll look around, totally surprised that someone is breathing down their necks and trying to get around them.
Or just plain driving. I'm convinced people drive slow just to annoy and irritate me. How they know it's me, I don't know. But it surely can't just be coincidence. Surely people pulling right in front of me, when I'm driving 80 in the fast lane, and then slowing down to 55 (55!!!) can't be anything but deliberate maliciousness. Did you ever see those commercials from a few years ago, where the character had his own lanes on the freeway and parking spaces? I fantasize about my own special lanes down I-75.
Okay, there is no Second. Really, my gripe of the day is people getting in my way.
Now, the serious stuff.
I have no idea who reads this anymore, but those who know me, probably know my oldest daughter ran off last June and was living with her boyfriend who is 10 years older and disabled. She was living in Florida with him, then went to Ohio to work at a festival. She was living in a hut which had no indoor plumbing and plywood floors. I had her signed up for college, but that's gone, as is the deposits.
I hadn't seen her since June 20th, until last week, when she came home to get her stuff. Right before she came, I figured out she got married. Yes, married at 18. And didn't tell me or invite me to the wedding. She said they jumped the broomstick at the local town hall, but marriage is marriage, and I'm hurt of course. Right before she left, she told me she joined the Army recently, again, didn't tell me, and is shipping out Jan. 3rd.
What more is there to say, but I've gotten to the point where I'm just bewildered.
I'm not getting into the pain and grief this has caused me and the rest of her family, because I'm getting worn out with all of this. But it's hard to deal with.