Wow, haven't blogged in a little while.
Update: I still work like an ant dragging off a cheeto, still don't see friends or workout like I should. In fact, I've been a field training officer, and have been working even harder. Just this Friday, I finished IT (instructor training) school, which is HARD!!! I have to teach one last class while being evaluated, and I get my certification.
The oldest daughter has been deployed as of January, and is now in Khandahar, Afghanistan. I hear from her occasionally. For a while, I could talk to her on Yahoo messenger, but she recently disconnected her internet connection, so I just have to wait until she calls.
The youngest daughter has been accepted several different colleges, and is presently trying to decide if she wants to go to Univ. of Alabama or Univ. of Georgia. She's in the Honors program at UA, and is leaning toward that school.
Went to Dragon Con this year, and as usual, had a great time. I made a costume, Queen of the Cosmos, from a Japanese game, which was surprisingly popular. Lots of people took my picture-totally shocking to me. I had no idea Katamari was that well known. And as you can see from the pic above, the movie, "300" was a very popular theme this year.
Other than that, I can't think of much else interesting.