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Just another day in the life of a public servant

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Preparing my Dragon Con outfit

I'm so excited. I feel like it's the 3rd week of December and Christmas is just around the corner. Why am I excited? Well, actually, a lot of things are exciting me recently, but in particular, the date for the opening of Dragon Con is looming in the near future. And I'm working one of the fun preliminary tasks: Shopping for an outfit.

Normally, I forget to plan for an outfit until I'm packing, and then I have to resort to grabbing stuff from my daughter's closet and trying to co-ordinate fishnets with T-shirts. But this year, I thought ahead and bought something from Ebay. Ha! High functioning ADD, my ass! I do not need Ritalin, thank you very much!

So far, everything seems to be coming together. I've pulled together an acceptable outfit; not too slutty, yet with just the right mix of Goth/Dom. Really, I'm pleased. Now if I just had the right pair of shoes....

If you've never been to Dragon Con, and you're into Science Fiction/Comics/basic nerdy stuff, this is the convention for you. People dress up as their favorite characters, take a lot of pictures and basically have a good time. There are some absolutely amazing costumes and at night there are some great concerts.

However, when the sun goes down is when the fun really begins and the truly brazen people come out. All inhibitions are tossed to the wind and people start following that old motto "Less is better". Which makes for a really interesting evening. So I'll see you there, and don't forget to bring your camera.


  • At 10:07 PM, Blogger kitty said…

    Wizard world? Is that a conference where you are?

    And thank you.

  • At 8:36 AM, Blogger FRITZ said…

    you dirrrty gurrl

  • At 1:26 PM, Blogger kitty said…

    Not too dirty. Did I tell you I bought a real corset, the kind that has to be laced up in the back? hehe. Maybe I'll wear it with jeans and my manolos.

  • At 3:24 PM, Blogger FRITZ said…

    Work it, girl.

    My corset laces so tight my boobs pop out and then I just look silly. So I don't wear mine with jeans and heels.

    It sure does help give me a damn waist, that's for sure.

  • At 3:27 PM, Blogger FRITZ said…

    Taters looks like a serial rapist/killer.

    yeah, i know he's law enforcement. So what? Looks can be decieving...I'm law enforcement, too.

    I think it's the mustache. It looks like a portent of perversion. Freaky dude.


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