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Just another day in the life of a public servant

Saturday, August 13, 2005

What I did at work Friday

Have you ever done something that's so boneheaded that you don't want to admit to anyone, not even your closest friends, what you did? Well, I did one of those things Friday at work.

I was sitting at my desk, staring intently at my computer screen and, realizing that my eyes were dry, I reached into my purse for my little bottle of eye drops. Without looking at it, I squirted a couple of drops in my right eye and immediately, my eye starting burning as if I had dropped muriatic acid in it. Yow. I glanced down at the bottle, thinking that maybe it was an old bottle and had gone bad. But what I had just squirted into my eye was anti-fungal drops for nail infections that I had put in my purse. And it was the exact same size and dimensions as the eye drop bottle.

With my eyes burning, no, excuse me, my EYE burning, my nose running in sympathy and without actually being able to see anything because I was practically blind, I groped around until I found my saline solution and rinsed my eye out the best I could without actual vision.

To make a long story short, I ended up having to drive home with only one contact in, and all night, every time I woke up, my eye was crusted over and was red, puffy, swollen and hurt.

I finally confessed to one of my best friends what I had done, and since she is notorious for doing silly things, she understood. Well, at least she said she did after she got her breath back from laughing so hard. And that traitor. After confessing my total embarrassment at the whole sordid incident, she informed me that she was going to call my supervisor and leave him a voice mail so he could tease me about it for the rest of my life. Nice. Last time I ever feed her cats for her, Benedict Arnold.

So it could have been worse. I could have actually dropped acid in my eye and would have had to go shopping for a seeing eye dog, but fortunately, it was merely a caustic anti-fungal solution. On the up side, I've managed to banish any stray fungas that might have found a home in my right eye and I don't appear to be blind. Yet.


  • At 12:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ouch! I hope there won't be any ill side effects. Have you thought of calling Poison Control just to see what the recommended course of action is? Just a thought. Hope you get to feeling better soon, you have my deepest sympathy.

  • At 10:45 AM, Blogger FRITZ said…

    omygod...ARE YOU OKAY??

    Don't worry.I do super retarded things all the time. Well, I give myself too much credit. Most mentally challenged folks wouldn't do the crap I do.

    For instance, how many times have you wet the bed as an adult? How many times have you overmedicated yourself with ibuprofen? How many times have you dropped a motorcycle in a parking lot?

    The eye thing just sounds painful, not stupid. I'm glad you aren't blind, but then, people would pay a lot of attention to you...a hot MILF who's blind...

  • At 10:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    A one-eyed MILF...I bet there's a whole genre of "entertainment" for that...

  • At 12:50 PM, Blogger kitty said…

    I haven't been permanently maimed, thank goodness. The eye is healing well.
    Errr, I don't think I want to be a hot, blind MILF, I'd rather be a hot, non-blind MILF, and thanks for the compliment. I'm glad that I'm still in the MILF catagory.

  • At 8:50 PM, Blogger kitty said…

    thanks. Bucky rules.

    Update on the eye: All healed and mostly red free. Last time I just drop something in my eye without looking at the label first.


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